It was our third date after the first break-up.
A weary crossroad, a painful juncture of
Comfort and awkwardness like re-blooming adolescence.
I wasn’t afraid to kiss you or tell old stories,
Intimate, erotic, silly, all were fair game.
But my skin felt like it was moving all over
And I couldn’t sit still or look too long
At the soft spots on your neck that often
Tasted of sweat and yes, of love.
I was trying to be better in the formal sense,
by going out on a dinner date.
But it’s so hard to be formal when your
skin won’t stand still and the little money you have
Is warm and wet from the sweat on your palms.
And No-one would formally take you to eat
Half-off seafood at the buffet underneath
Those ugly neon-lights shivering in the autumn air.
“No-one! is taking you out to eat. It is I, No-one!”
We sat and ate and talked and ate and I naturally
Ate too much and asked too many questions,
Threatened by greasy silence
(No-one! No-one!)
And the shivering of the neon-lights outside.
Finally, I paid and we left to return home
To return home, ah, so long now!
And out in the parking lot your face turned
Like a green maelstrom
And it would have been funny to see you
Get so sick in public if
I didn’t get sick as well.
Two heads lunging
On an asphalt ocean with crisp air
Kissing the sweat on our skin.
I drove us home and straight into bed
A place of familiarity but now distanced
by the ebb and flow of time and of lurching emotions.
Our mutual sickness overcame it all, however,
And for once, at last, we lied together
On the sweaty pillow next to the bucket.
At times we switched in intervals to vomit
Painfully, childishly, lovingly
Into the bucket next to the bed.
The distance was forfeited briefly
Overtaken by weakness and the need,
For once, to be taken care of.
I stroked your hair while you shivered
And I shivered from stroking your hair.
At times I thought no time had passed
(I, No-one!)
And at other times, it felt like years.
Years that I had struggled through this story
And that story, this bed and that one,
One island to the next, wandering,
Wondering if you were still looking to sea.
And in our mutual sickness, we have found each other.
All it took was bad-seafood to see you
Here again, next to someone,