Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dreams and Ideas

I keep saying in my head that I want to do this, so here's a crude write-down of things that have surfaced somwhere in my head, somewhat sub-consciously

First of all, a few dreams. I need to get better at remembering them so that I can do neat little things like this. Perhaps the motivation comes from Robert Altman's inspiration to make films from his dreams.

I had a dream a long time ago, the exact time I am not sure of, but very recently the dream popped back into my head somehow. I am thankful for this because the images from the dream have brought me great pleasure somehow. I sat in bed one night and thought about how this could make a very interesting movie. The dream involves the field behind my house, and a broomstick. That's it. I walked out side one day (I remember it was overcast, my favorite weather). Outside, quite simply, was a broomstick hovering in the air. I did not say this was an original dream; rather, a simple one. I walked over to the floating broom, and, naturally, climbed up on it. And soon, I was figuring out the kinks of flying. I remember first thinking this was way too easy to fall off and kill myself, and that that would be a terrible thing to happen because then I wouldn't get a chance to explain to the world about the wonders of flying, nor would I get to fully experience the pleasure of flying. Then I remember in the dream the incredible sensation of flying. I can't describe visually, but I can tell you (myself) that when I woke up from the dream I felt like was high. I was so elated in my own subconscious that it carried over into reality. I like to think that in my sleep I had a big smile on my face. Wouldn't the idea of this dream make an enchanting movie? Everyone has the notion of flying; Brewster McCloud only helped justify this statement. There is also a sadness to it, however, when I think about it. It's the same sadness I get when I finish watching Peter Pan. There is something so immature, so childishly beautiful about flying. Waking up from my dream was realizing that reality and gravity keep you on the ground. Dreams themselves are like flying, brief fluttering moments of escape. Wendy only goes to Neverland because, in the next day, she will leave the nursery and begin "growing up". The reason this causes me so much sadness is because when I watched the movie as a little kid, I thought nothing more of that. The movie ended with Wendy back at home, and I moved on to the next movie for me because there was no more story to be told. But now, as I watch it, I feel the pain that Wendy doesn't yet have, but will soon understand. Growing up continues to haunt me, and it seems to be one of the most painful things to deal with as I get older. Needless to say, my dream I think could be made into a beautiful movie. A broomstick and a field. The possibilities of that are amazing.

In two other dreams, or should I say nightmares, I woke up unable to move. The first one is vague, but I recall the image of a butterfly, or at least, a flying insect covered in some kind of mucous. Mucous like the moray eel has on it. Not too big of an insect, but big enough to where I get the point. I was in an abandoned building, similar to Southview, with other people, but I can't remember who they were. Anyways, upon killing the bug, something happened that made the entire dream a lot worse. I can't remember exactly what it was. I think the mucous was some kind of acid that exploded all over the place. All I remember was there was a lot of them, and that was enough to make me scared.
The other dream involved a parking lot, very similar to the rant with poetic undertones that I posted earlier. It was nighttime, and I was walking back to my van. The lot was completely empty, and the streetlights above me were what kept me calm in the dream. As I got to my van, with keys in hand, a light flickered across the parking lot, temporarily blinding me. I looked over, and there was a man getting off a motorcycle. He was responsible for the light, and he was walking towards me, not saying a word. It was something very similar to the images and sounds of No Country For Old Men; darkness, an uncomforting silence, and a Man incapable of stopping. I remember the feeling of "there's no one around, he has to be coming for me, this is gonna get bad really fast". I tried talking to him to calm my nerves and make sense of what was going on, but the only thing that soon made sense was his hand going inside his trenchcoat and the gun he pulled out afterwards. I dove behind the car, and heard the explosion of glass above my head. I remember the feeling of cool glass shower down my head. I think I got on a motorcycle after that, and I guess that is the Deus Ex Machina of the dream, beacuse I don't remember getting in the van. Needless to say, I woke up and couldn't move. All I could do was catch my breath a minute, lean down, grab the remote, and restart 50 first Dates haha.

Also, SIDENOTE, funny image for a movie that will never get made.
The main character sits in his car at a stoplight for no reason. He's pissed and tired and it's HOT outside. He looks over on the small road he's on and sees a dead animal that is quite stinky due to the raging sun. He looks at it for awhile and is clearly grossed out and compelled to its pathetic stature at the same time. Eventually, he looks back up at the light which still remains red. Then, out of nowhere, the light turns green, and he looks back over at the road kill again, and a car speeds by beside him and runs over the animal. A goop of blood splatters the side of his car and the side of his face. He doesn't move, looking straight ahead, absolutely disgusted but tooo shocked and pissed to do anything except let the guts drip off his cheek. Behind him, a car honks its horn to tell him to go. ALSO, pending, a cut to show who was driving the car that hit him. A) it's three teennage boys/rednecks who are aiming for roadkill and keeping score. B) an old man with a trucker hat and thick glasses, listening to K92ish Nelly Furtado Jordin Sparks...and all he says is.....EHHHH!

Dreams and Ideas.

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