Sunday, April 12, 2009

To You, My Dear.

Humans are capable of more hurt than they can understand.
Humans are capable of more pain than they can understand.
Love is fighting a dying battle.
Love amongst rogues.
Love amongst thieves.

The only way out is this way.
The only way out is this one way.
You must realize you are nothing by yourself.
You MUST realize you are nothing. Your blood is poison.
Your hands claws.
Your teeth fangs.

The only way out is this way. This one way.
You must love totally and completely.
You MUST love wholly and truly.
That is the only way out.
You must love, because when you love, you transcend your limitations.
You must love because when you love, your exceed expectations.
You must love.

It is the only way out of this spiral.
Love is the only way out of this muck.
You must love because your shadow tells you to.
Because your shadow needs something to cling to in the dark.
You must love because you are loved.

This is the answer.
This is the way out.
You must love.
You must love because you are loved.

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