Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Top Hat

This is proof that movies can step in at anytime in your life and let you depart. Top Hat (1935) charms its way into your hearts, making it hard to really respond in any critical way. While not very impressed with Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire is something to behold. You might realize, at one point, that he's not a very good actor. What does that mean? If you mean channeling the human expression, perhaps you're right. If you mean harboring pure talent and using the film medium to get to the largest audience, Fred Astaire is an award winner. He embodies spirit, fun, and buoyant joy. I have to admit that I quit paying attention to the story; rather, I simply watched and mused over a world that believes in romantic love, that believes a man can break out in song in front of the woman he loves. What a world that must be. A world where everything falls into place, and no one takes their predicaments too seriously. A world where everyone has an in-joke. Watch this scene and tell me you aren't holding back a smile; what a world.

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